• In a forestry sector, a demobilized railway line crosses a national road. The stopping of this railway section led to the pedestrianization of a tunnel about a hundred meters long. In this area, transports elements are masked by powerful vegetation.


    Well stored at the bottom of the road turned forest, cut cars and some mechanical remains. A little further away larges hole form little circus which are the remains of marble quarry. These open-pit quarries functioned until the last century and then exhausted veins led men to dig elsewhere. From this epic remains this fun little circus, a well-rounded concrete cistern that is like a signal form GoogleHearth.


    A pile of bricks and a few pieces of used concrete indicate the location of an old building whose the function was the shipping of heavy stones blocks. Far, the noise of the national road and sometimes slight squeaks. These are curious machines that move lower on the railway.


    Very quiet, the machine are animated by the force of the endimanchés who pedal the machine for an original discovery of the landscape. The track is sloped and passes between the walls. In the heights an old power supply is ground with its very thick glass typical elements.


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